You dream of bright lights and flashing cameras. You’re suddenly in a panicked state, with nausea and a headache, and wondering if your new business venture was a mistake.

The transition from employee to business owner is a big change

When an employee is considering a career change, there are often many factors to consider, including a stable income, perceived expectations of family members or peers, and the perceptions that they have.

Risk-taking and abandoning the traditional path to success are essential. Families and our education system often expect us, at 65, to get a degree, get a career, marry, buy a home, have children, and retire, if we’re lucky. Our education system and families often expect us to study, get a job, find a spouse, buy a house, have kids, and retire if we are lucky with our health and sanity at 65.

Entrepreneurship is about breaking away from the conventional and creating your own path in line with what you want to achieve. It can be exciting, but it can also cause anxiety if you are used to the traditional model.

The key to success as an entrepreneur lies in your mind

There are many paths to entrepreneurship, and there is no one size fits all approach. However, the balance will tip at some point. Even if you are working full-time and have a side gig, you become more of a business owner.

The job becomes a means of achieving a goal, and the side hustle dream becomes the main hustle. It is eventually time to quit the job and embark on the entrepreneurial journey. A new shift is taking place at this point. You are now on your own.

This is a possible scenario. However, regardless of your motivations or the path you take to become an entrepreneur, you must think very differently than an employee.

You suddenly have to do everything.

You can’t expect everything to be smooth sailing.

You will face challenges in the future, and you may experience quiet times.

Will you be ruined by a setback or a downtime? When you’re just starting out, it can be hard to know. You may find yourself tempted to take a job that pays well, or you might be so motivated by your vision to reach the top of the mountain, that you’ll do anything for it.

Rewiring the brain for success

In business, mindset is often discussed. It is important to take the time to visualize and manifest your ideal business, think positively and embrace failure as a way of growing. Is there more to the mindset? What happens at the chemical level in your brain when you become an entrepreneur. Is it possible to transform your brain into a risk-taking, entrepreneurial brain?

Link Success is an organization that focuses on neuroscience in business. Vannessa McCamley says that it’s possible to change the brain to make a successful transition from an employee to an entrepreneur. Understanding the importance of neuroplasticity, neuroscience and the will to change is the key to rewiring the brain for success. And yes, chemical changes do occur.

McCamley demonstrates in her new book Rewire For Success that you can create new connections within your brain with the correct insight and commitment. This will positively affect behaviour. You can achieve your entrepreneurial goals while maintaining a healthy lifestyle and well-being.

It takes 90 days for us to develop one to three new habits, but the success of our change depends on how we respond to stress and how it affects us.

McCamley says stress is inevitable for new entrepreneurs, but that it’s important to understand the balance between dopamine and adrenaline. You’ll be more motivated and excited to tackle your business venture if you feel passionate and driven.

She says that the brain is a very energy-conserving and resistant organ. It will resist any change, as it requires cognitive effort which uses up oxygen and glucose.

“The key is to make decisions about taking action based on risk value and reward value.

If we believe that the reward is less than the risk we will be unlikely to make a change. The brain will decide that it’s not worth the effort.”

How can you prepare for success as an entrepreneur?

McCamley’s main focus is:

Be clear about your goal

It is important to understand why you want to deliver certain results to your customers. You need to have clearly defined goals, and then give yourself permission for adaptability.

Preparing for the unknown

You need to practice scenarios and perform a fire drill. The brain wants certainty. But things will not go according to plan. This will help to combat fears, and make putting out fires feel more like an everyday part of life.

Prioritising downtime

A brain that is constantly busy and overwhelmed will miss important things. Burnout can be a serious risk for entrepreneurs. But downtime is essential to keep going.

Understanding the amount of sleep you need

Sleep is crucial for business success. Entrepreneurs need to get enough sleep just as much as they do with their diets and exercises. You will give your business a better chance at success if you’re healthy.

Protecting Your Deep Thinking

Rewiring your mind for success as an entrepreneur is as important as taking time off. It means learning to focus on your innermost thoughts. They are the seeds of your creativity, which is the lifeblood of any growing business. Your intuition is just as important as your marketing strategy in guiding you.

Most seasoned entrepreneurs will tell you that entrepreneurship is well worth the effort. The adventure begins with finding a supportive community of entrepreneurs, reaching out for coaches and mentors as well as embracing lifelong education.